I just found a great way to create easy to manage and access forms and polls using Google Docs. If you're not familiar with Docs, check it out at http://docs.google.com
If you are familiar with Google Docs, then go to the main page and select New >> Form from the drop down menu and then get started building your form or survey. It's really easy to work with and you can have everything from required date fields (like name, address, etc.) to multiple choice check-boxes and select from list kind of questions.
When you're done, you can email the form to your Gmail contacts, or link to an online version of the form through a website, blog or email. Where does the info go? Into a Google Docs spreadsheet where it can be exported and opened in Excell if you want. There is even an experimental response summary that displays little graphs of your results.
As a youth pastor, I used this Form Creator to make an online poll for my teens and I'm loving it. Try it out and let me know how it compares to other services like Surveymonkey.
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